A day at Southampton


This was the outfit that I wore while I was at Southampton with my boyfriend to celebrate our Valentines because we’re not going to be together during that day. So we celebrated a little bit early. I love this outfit because it looks chic, edgy but at the same time it don’t look too much.
As you can tell I love a bit of black during winter time, I’ve added my multi-patterned crop top on my black fitted skirt with my fur coat to keep me warm. Of course! This look wouldn’t be complete without a big floppy hat!
I’m so excited girls! As you probably didn’t know I have a new job. I’m working as a Sales Assistant at House of Fraser for nearly 2 months now. I super love it! But anyways girls I’m excited because I’m going to post more blogs after this month. I’m going to share you girls all my shopping haul and I’m going to start posting more fashion posts!

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