Date with my love <3

The Bargeman’s Rest


I want to share with you guys my new favourite restaurant and it’s called The Bargeman’s Rest and I think you can only find this in Newport, Isle of Wight (which sucks because I’m craving). Bargeman is a pub which offers food and live music too which is cool. This was our second time of dining there, the first time we went there was when we celebrated his 21st bday and I ordered this massive steak which was yummy and he ordered a gammon which was yummy too! This time we ordered ‘Seaferer’s Sharing Platter’ it was so good and it was healthy too so it was worth it! Hahaha it was only £12 so it’s kinda cheap because the first one that we ordered was £20 each but it was worth the money! 


And if you guys decided to go to Isle of Wight, i recommend you to try The Bargeman’s Rest! 

One thought on “Date with my love <3

  1. Arielle says:

    I really love your blog, your posts are all so beautiful! I just followed you, it would be great if we can support each other 🙂 I am so glad I got to discover you ❤


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