My Visual Report: Cape Town (Styling Fundamentals)

I started reading Vogue magazine and I came across the ‘cape’ trend. It instantly caught my attention because it was something different, instead of doing trench coat trend, as a lot of people would probably choose to do that. Superwoman, Batman or Little Red Riding Hood is probably the first things that run through your head when you think of a cape.

The cape coat is a chic and stylish alternative to heavy jackets or a trench coat. On this shoot I wanted to prove that you don’t need to be a super hero to wear a cape. When a woman wear a cape it can show people that they’re confident, powerful and independent and that’s what I want my model to feel throughout the day and night.

Once I’ve chosen what theme I want and what mood I want my model to feel, I’ve decided to move on to the styling ideas. I just want to show that investing on a cape is a must! It’s the perfect transitional piece for this season.

For the day I just want it to be casual so I want her to wear the cape with a top, tight jeans and a high knee boots. It’ll be better if the cape is long especially if you’re going to pair it with tight jeans, but sadly, a longer cape that’s affordable is an impossible thing to find so I decided not to look for a longer cape.

For the evening look I want her to still wear the cape and pair it with a fitted dress and with a high heels or the high knee boots. With her accessories I might just want to have a necklace, as I don’t want my casual and evening look to look too much.

These 3 images are the final look. Enjoy!

Thank you for reading!


Styling and Photography by Yours Truly

Model: Demie Tuzara

Sunday’s Look

Last week I went back to Isle of Wight to spend time with my boyfriend, it was supposed to be just a 3 days holiday but i ended up staying for 1 week and 3 days! I just love that place so much and i didn’t have to pay for my grocery for a week. Before going back to Southampton, we’ve decided to go to Ryde, it was only half an hour from Newport IOW. It was a small town but the beach was really nice. We ate at Hong Kong Express then we walked around the beach and the Pier, it wasn’t the best weather during that time because it was cloudy and really windy. 

One of my favourite colour is black and it’s one of my favourite colour to wear! I mean who doesn’t love wearing that colour? There’s something bordering on the cultish in fashion’s devotion to the colour black. Even though there’s new trends  coming out every season, i’ll still look for black! Although sometimes an all-black outfit can be quite boring to me. I decided to pair it with my cream waterfall jacket and my golden bag, I just thought that adding these two garments will lighten up the whole look that I’m trying to go for! I didn’t want to look too simple with just black top and jeans. I still wanted to stand out without looking too much!

Such a stunning view!   
I got my top and jeans from Topshop. My cream waterfall jacket from New Look. My shoes from Anne Klein. Finally, my bag from Charming Charlie

Thank you for reading this post! 

Isle of Wight

Wow! It’s been such a hectic  1 month for me, I’ve just been busy with travelling and moving in to my hall. On eptember I went to visit my boyfriend for two weeks and stayed there before i moved to my new place. So here are some of the pictures that I captured while i was at the Isle of Wight. I don’t have a lot of pictures to show you guys because I wanted to enjoy the moments while I was there.

I feel like I’m going to be using or updating this blog quite a lot as I will be using this as my sketch blog, as well, so you guys can still see my fashion and beauty editorial projects that i’m doing on my course (Fashion Styling).

Here are the pictures.



What’s on my Amazon basket? 

Hello everyone! It’s been a long time since I talked to you all. I’ve been busy with my college and job for these past few months. I didn’t have have enough time to balance my blog with my college and work. But I’m finally done with college and I’ve got the points/grade that I need for university. But I’m still waiting for my grade in English, as I had to re-sit that one and hopefully I get the grade, I just need to be really positive! Goodluck to everyone who’s getting their results in 2 or 3 weeks time! Anyway I have 4 days off, which means I can focus updating my blog. To be honest with you all, I’ve actually miss blogging and I wrote a few ideas that I can blog about and they’re all quite interesting, that’s why I can’t wait to share it with you guys!

As I’m going to have my own room and as a student who’ll study Fashion Styling at university. I want to decorate my room with fashion decorations.

58 bubbles wall stickers 


The first thing on my basket is these 58 bubbles wall sticker. I think this sticker will be a perfect decoration on the wall of my bathroom. I’m pretty sure my wall on my future bathroom will be white so it’s nice to add a bit of sticker on the wall so it doesn’t look boring.

Rose flower sticker


I also found this Rose flower sticker for my bedroom wall. It seems really nice to look at when you’re just relaxing in your bedroom.

Smiling face toilet sticker  

I may be  super crazy or maybe just a little crazy – for wanting to buy this smiling face stickers although I think this will make my mood extra good every morning, as I am not a morning person and it’s only 54p! So it wouldn’t hurt my card to buy this super cute sticker!

Pretty Girl high heeled shoes


 I’ve been wanting to buy this sticker eversince i found this 4 months ago, to put it on the wall  or on my wardrobe if my wardrobe is tall enough to put this sticker. This sticker will really show what type of person who lives on that apartment and also I really want to show how passionate i am with fashion with my decorations!

Audrey Hepburn pillow case


You guys don’t know how much I adore Audrey Hepburn – don’t we all! She is the definition of beauty and perfection! It’ll be good to have her on my pillow case for decoration and I read the reviews and some says that the fabric is rough and it’s only suitable for decoration; which I don’t really mind!

Coco Chanel quote sticker  

This quote sticker of Coco Chanel is on my top list to buy. I just love motivational/inspirational quotes especially if it’s something to do with fashion. This will always remind me to be classy and fabulous everyday. So this will be good to have on the wall!

Vintage Mannequin

One of the decorations that I need for my bedroom is this vintage mannequin. I always wanted to buy a mannequin but didn’t have a space in the room that I share with my sister, but since I’m moving on my apartment, I promised myself that I’m going to make space for this on my new room in September. This mannequin will help me style my clothes for the next day – so this will be really useful for me. And it’ll be a really nice decoration in my room.

So that’s some of the few things that I’ll get before I move in on my apartment. Thank you guys for reading and I hope this blog gave you an idea on what to get if you’re also moving to university or if you just want to decorate your room. I’ll talk to you guys again on my next post which will be up tomorrow night.

Orange is the new black


I’ve watched a couple episodes of Orange is the new black and I created a look that was inspired by the title of the show. This is such a perfect colour for the
” I am getting ready for Spring look ” and I really love wearing super bright colours, the one that will stand out in the street. I didn’t want the whole look to be all orange. I wanted to have that effortless look aswell so I paired it with awhite jeans on the orange jumper from H&M and a white wool blend straight cut coat which complete the whole look. I also paired it with this fiery orange edition of the “So Kate” bootie from Christian Louboutin. Arghh! I’m so inlove with that boots! I wanted to mix it with a different colour that’s still near the colour orange so I decided to have this peachy-orangey Michael Kors Double Zip bag. I know some of you would want to buy that tote bag! I mean who wouldn’t, right?!

Jumper in a wool blend


Wool-blend-straight-cut coat


PS-J2 mid-rise skinny jeans


Sole ankle boot


Double Zip Bag


Thank you for reading!

A day at Southampton


This was the outfit that I wore while I was at Southampton with my boyfriend to celebrate our Valentines because we’re not going to be together during that day. So we celebrated a little bit early. I love this outfit because it looks chic, edgy but at the same time it don’t look too much.
As you can tell I love a bit of black during winter time, I’ve added my multi-patterned crop top on my black fitted skirt with my fur coat to keep me warm. Of course! This look wouldn’t be complete without a big floppy hat!
I’m so excited girls! As you probably didn’t know I have a new job. I’m working as a Sales Assistant at House of Fraser for nearly 2 months now. I super love it! But anyways girls I’m excited because I’m going to post more blogs after this month. I’m going to share you girls all my shopping haul and I’m going to start posting more fashion posts!

Sleek I Divine Original Eyeshadow Palette


10668527_840668169300991_1563031859_nThis is my first time reviewing a product on my blog, so I’m quite excited to share you what I think about this palette.

What it claims?

  • 12 shades of super-pigmented
  • A long lasting eyeshadow
  • Mineral based eyeshadow
  • Design to suit everyone
  • Each eyeshadow contains pearlescent shades, which contain mica particles that highlight and illuminate giving an overall radiant effect

So I was on my way to drugstore to buy a concealer but then I saw the collections of the Sleek eyeshadow palettes. It was actually my first time buying a Sleek product. There was a lot of eyeshadows to choose from the collections, but I decided to try the original palette first before buying the other palettes.

10660943_840667882634353_1792624025_n (1)10749218_869350459766095_1604935607_n

I have a love and hate relationship with this palette because I’ve tried so many  and I have so many expectations with eyeshadows. Although you can use this palette for lots of different looks; from day to night look. This eyeshadow doesn’t stay all day long but if you use a primer underneath it can last for ages. For me I use the Cover-girl & Olay simply ageless eye concealer and it can make it look so much better. I was never into bright or dramatic eye look, I’m more of a fan of neutral colours for the eyes.



I wasn’t too excited about the packaging because it was just a plain black with a sleek logo at the front with a little information about the palette at the back of the packaging. And when you open the palette you’ll see a really huge mirror and a dual ended sponge applicator.

The pigmentation of the palette is amazingly pigmented but I often find the eyeshadow falling out and that’s what I hate about eyeshadows! I really hate it when it’s too flaky and I know a lot of people has said that about this palette. The only matte shade is black but I never used the black shade because when I tested it on my hand it look so heavy and if I have to wear a black shade it wouldn’t be that one because I will only look like a raccoon!!

The texture is very creamy and gives a shimmery effect to the eyelid. So if you’re into a shiny or metallic look and if you’re on a budget then I recommend you trying this product but if you’re looking for something to wear for college, work or for your everyday routine, I wouldn’t even bother on buying this product.

I would rate this product 3/5 just because I have so many amazing eyeshadow palettes that I owned. But if you were to ask me if I would buy this again? Then the answer is no.

I would love to try another collection of the Sleek palette though. So if any one of you know any  Sleek palette that is worth the money, make sure to comment it down below!





” My Go-To Casual Look ”


This look was one of my favourite Go-to Casual look. This look is very easy to copy as it is just a basic white shirt, denim shorts and a tropical kimono, I just basically paired it with my Carlos Santana high heels and Ralp Lauren handbag. This look is great if you’re going on a lunch date with your crush or your boyfriend, or maybe a day out with your girls because this look is simple, easy and comfortable to wear.

Kimono (New Look)

Basic white shirt (H&M)

Shorts (Select)

Shoes (Carlos Santana)

Handbag (Ralph Lauren)

Mimi’s Cafe


I did say I was going to post lots of stuff during my stay in America but O.M.G. I didn’t expect that we’re going to be that busy! It was like a non-stop schedule! There was lots of events, people inviting us to go somewhere so i didn’t really have time to post. 
Anyways guys I just wanted to share one of my favourite place to eat for breakfast and it is the ‘MIMI’S CAFE!’ The decoration was really nice I mean it wasn’t modern or anything but it’s relaxing and comfortable there. 
I ordered this Omelette with bacon and avocado on top and potatoes at the side and it was delicious!!! Avocado with omelette are quite popular now, everytime I watched itsjudylife’s vlog, I always see Benji making omelette with avocado and I never really had avocado with omelette before until I ordered that! I have to say I was impressed! 
I’ll probably rate this restaurant for my breakfast place to eat 9/10 just because I’ve only been here for breakfast, but the next time i visit America, i’ll definitely try lunch or dinner! 
So guys if you never been to Mimi’s Cafe, I recommend you eat there if you ever visit America! 

Date with my love <3

The Bargeman’s Rest


I want to share with you guys my new favourite restaurant and it’s called The Bargeman’s Rest and I think you can only find this in Newport, Isle of Wight (which sucks because I’m craving). Bargeman is a pub which offers food and live music too which is cool. This was our second time of dining there, the first time we went there was when we celebrated his 21st bday and I ordered this massive steak which was yummy and he ordered a gammon which was yummy too! This time we ordered ‘Seaferer’s Sharing Platter’ it was so good and it was healthy too so it was worth it! Hahaha it was only £12 so it’s kinda cheap because the first one that we ordered was £20 each but it was worth the money! 


And if you guys decided to go to Isle of Wight, i recommend you to try The Bargeman’s Rest!